Home » IGeneX Success Stories » IGeneX Lyme Disease Success Story Carly Melissa

"IGeneX is so worth the money..."​

Video transcript

Hey Guys, welcome back! So today, I am just coming back really quick. It’s not a huge, long video, but I just want to share my results from the IGeneX test that I mentioned I think two videos ago.

I did get those results about I think a week and half ago. I gave myself a minute to digest the news. I was really upset; I am not going to sugarcoat that. I do have Lyme.

Active Lyme, because you can have it in your system but inactive. So mine is active. I also have the coinfection Bartonella, which is commonly known as cat scratch disease, but it’s also carried by ticks, fleas, and spiders. So, it’s also a vector-borne illness. So, I do have both.

I’m not surprised because I understand the symptoms and the stories that I’ve heard and they relatively match up pretty well to kind of my story. It’s just a hard pill to swallow, right? Because you know, you’re going to have it for a lifetime. Even if you go into remission, it’s something you always have to be aware of and you may be symptomatic sometimes.

It could change the direction of my life, as far as having kids or settling down or, you know what my future really is going to look like.

So when I found out, I was on the phone with my best friend Rachel. The results were posted on my doctor’s portal. So, I was checking every hour for weeks. It took about three weeks to get my results. That was kind of this timeframe that it says on the IGeneX website, but I was constantly checking.

I immediately broke down crying and then I called my family. My family, certain members were somewhat shocked and other ones were more like concerned. You know, what can I do to help and upset by it.

So anyways, my tick bite, the one I’m presuming, the only one I know I’ve had that I know of, and not everyone gets the bulls-eye rash, but I did have it in 2010.

I was staying in a motel with my friends, and I went home the next day and I had the rash on my back. I honestly thought it was ringworm. And at the time, because I was not really educated on Lyme, I thought, it is a tick bite because that crossed my mind. I’ll get sick right? I’ll get flu-like symptoms, fever, and then I’ll know, and I’ll go to the doctors.

So that’s kind of why I think it’s important to speak out about Lyme and things and just raise awareness, because there are I’m sure a lot of people in my shoes who could say if there was more awareness 10 years ago, 5 years ago, even presently, a lot of people could avoid becoming chronically ill.

So that’s kind of where I’m at. I’ve been doing treatment for about a week, so what we’re starting with is the traditional antibiotic approach. So I’m on five antibiotics orally. Two of those I take every single day. Other ones are kind of like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; or Tuesday, Friday.

I’ll put everything below, so I’m not rambling. And then I’m going into the office on Monday, Wednesday, Friday. And I’m getting VersaFine through IV. So I’ll put everything below. That’s our initial approach.

We kind of said, let’s see how I respond. I’ve not taken any antibiotics since 2016, so that’s kind of, I’m hoping will work in my favor, because my body is not used to antibiotics. So you don’t really take them, it’s not something that my body has seen a lot. So that’s kind of where we’re at.

I honestly, today’s the first day that I have like put makeup on and I’m wearing sweat pants, but…

I have a shirt on. And honestly, I feel pretty good. I did a Coffee Enema this morning. My doctor did request that I do at least three Coffee Enemas a week, and at least three saunas a week. So I am doing that pretty much daily.

I’m trying to aggressively make sure I’m detoxing to get everything dying out. So I am finding that when I do this sauna or do the Enema, I am feeling really good for…It could be an hour to like three hours after, and then I kind of start crushing again into that like fatigue category.

So, yeah, that’s everything right now. A question I’ve gotten a little bit from people that know me, that know about this are – what do I think of my implants? It was a mistake taking them out?

No, and I’m going to link a video below to explain the connection. Still one of the best choices I’ve ever made, and I will make it again, over and over. There’s a lot of reasons, but basically, the implants put added pressure on my immune system. My body did not like them. And I also have my gene mutation where my body cannot detox on its own. So my body struggles in general with any toxins.

And honestly, when they took them out, the surgeon was like, you have more inflammation than I’ve ever seen. And my postdoc report when they send everything out to pathology, came back with the large cell reaction and something else.

So, in short, no, I don’t regret it. I’ll link the YouTube video below where it kind of pieces everything together. In the future, I will probably try to dive more into breast implant illness and that connection.

So right now, things at hand – I have mold illness still as well. I have not retested for mold. My doctors saw these results. We just really wanted to jump on the current situation having active Lyme and Bartonella for possibly 11 years. It’s pretty extreme. So I have been treating in the detoxing mold for the last almost five months. So we felt like, you know, it’s safe enough obviously to proceed with the antibiotics, but I am still taking a binder.

Once a day, I’m doing cholestyramine most days. And then charcoal, when I feel like my body is just had enough. Usually, that’s like two days a week where I just feel like I need something a little more gentle.

So that’s kind of the update. I will put the list below of exactly what tested positive, what showed up on the IGeneX test. I would tell anyone that just has a mysterious illness or they don’t feel good or they’re having weird problems. IGeneX is very expensive, but it is so worth the money.

I really can’t imagine if I waited another year or two, where I would be. I am using the walkers to get around. I’m too unstable and too weak to walk on my own. With the Bartonella, a lot of the symptoms of undiagnosed Bartonella are ataxia, motor skill issues, balance problems, cognitive issues. So it’s very neurological, which explains a lot for me.

So, I’m really hoping that that will be the first thing that kind of goes because if I could get function back, this will be a lot easier. So that’s kind of where I’m at. I will come back as I go through this. It’s really too early for me to say how I’m feeling. It’s very up and down and I feel nauseous most of the time from the amount of antibiotics that I’m on.

So, you know, if we’re going to see how this goes, I’m really hopeful. And then, of course, I do have kind of a plan B, C, D, but you know, I’m just trying to stay hopeful and research and do what I can.

So if you guys have any questions, I’m very open. Email me, find me on Instagram, comment below. I really make these videos to reach people that were like me, but you know, I could never find answers or help or anyone like me. So that’s why I do it.

So I’m definitely here. If anyone needs just a direction or question or anything, I’m not a doctor, I’m not a medical professional. I’m just someone that has been through it.

So, thank you for watching. Please subscribe if you have not already, and I will see you guys next time.

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