IGeneX provides laboratory services for a new line of direct-to-consumer testing from a company called AcuDart Health, Inc. Tests are available for Lyme disease, TBRF, Babesiosis, and Bartonellosis. There is also a test panel that tests for all four diseases. AcuDart Health is a separate company from IGeneX.
Yes. Many studies have shown tick-borne diseases are present across the world. IGeneX has detected patients from over 50 countries worldwide.
Yes and no. There are tick-borne diseases in every state, but not every tick-borne disease is in every state. Lyme disease, the most widespread TBD, is found in all 50 states, as is Babesia. Please refer to these tick-borne disease maps for more information.
Yes, all IGeneX tests undergo strict validation studies.
No, IGeneX only offers testing. However, we offer many helpful articles on treatments for tick-borne diseases.
IGeneX stores samples for two months from draw date, except for tests #488 and #489, which are three months from the draw date. Tick samples are stored for two months. FISH slides (Whole Blood) are stored for 30 days. IgXSpot and culture enhanced PCRs are not available for add-on requests.
Tick-borne Disease
Yes, if the sample has been frozen and not kept in paraffin wax.
HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. It is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of patients and ensure patient data is appropriately secured.
Yes, IGeneX tests patients from any country in the world. Please use the International Test Requisition Form to order.
Yes, IGeneX testing is available in every state. However, not all tests are available in all states, such as New York. Please see the Test Requisition Form for more on test restrictions.
Per CMS and State of California requirements, the following licensed professionals may order/refer laboratory testing for private patients:
Nurse Practitioners may order testing under the supervision or collaboration with another health care professional. A health care professional must countersign or stamp requisition form.
(Please refer to the American College of Nurse Practitioners for details)
IGeneX is not required to be FDA approved. IGeneX provides services on clinical samples. We do not sell test kits.
IGeneX is open Monday through Friday 8:00 am — 5:00 pm, PST (Except Holidays). Our phlebotomy hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 am — 4:00 pm, PST.
Once we receive a sample from a new doctor, we automatically verify their information, and set them up with an account in our Laboratory Information System.
Lyme Disease, Tick-borne Relapsing Fever, Babesiosis, Bartonellosis, Ehrlichiosis, Rickettsiosis (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever). In addition, we also test for Chlamydia pnuemoniae.
Generally around 10 business days. Testing may be delayed if all required information on the request form is not provided.
Each state has its own regulations for the Nurse Practitioners. Some States allow Nurse Practitioners to order tests.
Yes, IGeneX is licensed by CMS (Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services) and the state of California. In addition we are licensed in all the states that require licensing (New York, Florida, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island).We are a CLIA certified high complexity testing laboratory.
Thus, we are held to high quality standards and regulations, with on site inspections by State and Federal inspectors every two years.
How it Works
IGeneX tick-borne illness tests are the most complete and accurate tests available. Testing is easy and we’ll guide you the whole way through.
1. Order a Test Kit
After discussing your symptoms with your doctor, order your test kit right here.
Your kit will arrive at your door ready for next steps.
Order a Test Kit
2. Complete Paperwork with your doctor
Your kit will come with the appropriate paperwork, which you need to complete with your doctor to determine the specific tests IGeneX will conduct with your samples.*
*Incomplete paperwork can result in testing delays
3. Take Kit to blood draw site
Take your test kit and all contents including paperwork, to a blood draw site. Once your sample is collected, the kit needs to be mailed to IGeneX, by either yourself or the blood draw site, for analysis.
Find a blood draw site
4. Get Results
IGeneX will conduct the tests as determined by you and your doctor, and will send the results to your doctor when completed. The last step is to visit your doctor for interpretation of results, diagnosis, and to discuss your treatment options.
Please refer to the list of recommended drawing labs. If you do not live close to any of the listed drawing labs, then consult with the local labs in your area, or the local hospital.
Yes, IGeneX has qualified phlebotomists to draw blood for tests performed at IGeneX. See hours above.
These are tests that have not yet been submitted or approved by the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) for use by for New York residents.
For the most up to date and accurate information and articles about ticks and tick-borne diseases, please visit Tick Talk Resource.
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