Bartonella ImmunoBlots Now Available!

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The wait is over. Patients with a suspected Bartonella infection are now able to order the IGeneX ImmunoBlots. ImmunoBlots use recombinant antigens to increase sensitivity, specificity and extend species coverage. They effectively replace the Western blot.

ImmunoBlots are already available for other diseases including Lyme and Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever (TBRF). We are very excited to now offer them for Bartonella.

As of 7/19/2021, the Test Requisition Form (TRF) is not yet updated. To order the Bartonella ImmunoBlots, please use the existing TRF and select Bartonella Western blots or Bartonella panels that contain Western blots. The IGeneX Specimen Processing department will contact you and offer to replace the Western blot with the ImmunoBlot for no additional cost. Please contact 1-800-832-3200 with any questions.